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Gorubathan Block Population
Gorubathan Block in Darjeeling District and West Bengal State Total population is 60663. Rural Population is 60663 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 60663 | 31054 | 29609 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 60663 | 31054 | 29609 |
List of Vilages in Gorubathan Block and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Rango Forest | 9131 | 2012 |
Paten Godak Khasmahal | 5530 | 1157 |
Gorubathan Khasmahal | 5291 | 1119 |
Today Tangta Khasmahal | 5290 | 1031 |
Kumai Tea Garden | 3907 | 814 |
Samsing Khasmahal | 3711 | 787 |
Upper Fagu Tea Garden | 3587 | 780 |
Pankhasari Khasmahal | 3349 | 664 |
Pagrang Bong Khasmahal | 2934 | 560 |
Lower Fagu Tea Garden | 2070 | 449 |
Nim Khasmahal | 1764 | 323 |
Darjiling Hilldoars Tea Garden | 1627 | 351 |
Samabiyong Tea Garden | 1608 | 350 |
Kumai Khasmahal | 1590 | 346 |
Kumai Forest | 1393 | 272 |
Mal Khasmahal | 1322 | 274 |
Ambeok Tea Garden | 1297 | 281 |
Sakam Forest | 1158 | 290 |
Mal Forest | 1024 | 197 |
Dalingma Khasmahal | 821 | 159 |
Pankasari Forest | 709 | 139 |
Dalingkot Forest | 394 | 84 |
Pogu Forest | 299 | 48 |
Lehti Forest | 266 | 48 |
Pashiting Khasmahal | 229 | 51 |
Paren Forest | 196 | 42 |
Noam Forest | 166 | 34 |
Manabari Khasmahal | ||
Eastnar Forest | ||
Rechila Chak Khasmahal | ||
Turibari Khasmahal | ||
Ambeok Forest | ||
Mo Forest | ||
Rechila Forest | ||
Chichu Forest | ||
Westnar Forest | ||
Thousum Forest | ||
Ruka Forest |