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Palasamudram Mandal Population
Palasamudram Mandal in Chittoor District and Andhra Pradesh State Total population is 23657. Rural Population is 23657 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 23657 | 11853 | 11804 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 23657 | 11853 | 11804 |
List of Vilages in Palasamudram Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Palasamudram | 4451 | 1020 |
Vengalarajukuppam | 2334 | 558 |
Narasimhapuram @ A.Khandriga | 2209 | 493 |
Krishnajammapuram | 2053 | 490 |
Srikaverirajupuram | 2022 | 517 |
Amudala | 1994 | 466 |
Gangamambapuram | 1312 | 327 |
Tirumalarajupuram | 1279 | 271 |
Vanadurgapuram | 1168 | 289 |
Ramakrishnapuram | 1066 | 232 |
Simharajupuram | 982 | 233 |
Siddiraju Rangaraju Khandriga | 821 | 184 |
Lakshminarasimha Puram | 440 | 98 |
Amudalaputhur | 422 | 95 |
Balakrishnapuram | 405 | 76 |
Matavalam | 298 | 71 |
Kaverirajupuram | 290 | 67 |
Allipoolagunta | 79 | 20 |
Mamidimanumoola | 32 | 7 |