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Kalakada Mandal Population
Kalakada Mandal in Chittoor District and Andhra Pradesh State Total population is 34326. Rural Population is 34326 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 34326 | 17182 | 17144 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 34326 | 17182 | 17144 |
List of Vilages in Kalakada Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kalakada | 11461 | 2885 |
Yerrakotapalle | 3461 | 973 |
Kona | 2972 | 811 |
Enugondapalem | 2826 | 793 |
Nadimicherla | 2349 | 663 |
Kadirayacheruvu | 2049 | 536 |
Gudibanda | 1967 | 513 |
Gangapuram | 1416 | 359 |
Devalapalle | 1398 | 368 |
Mudiamvaripalle | 1029 | 268 |
Kalakadadoddi Palle | 983 | 253 |
Nawabpet | 881 | 236 |
Ratiguntapalle | 833 | 280 |
Kalakadakothapalle | 359 | 96 |
Pothavaripalle | 310 | 86 |
Madinenipalem | 32 | 5 |