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Pandabeswar Block Population
Pandabeswar Block in Bardhaman District and West Bengal State Total population is 161891. Rural Population is 26720 and Urban population is 135171.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 26720 | 13810 | 12910 |
Urban | 135171 | 70841 | 64330 |
Total | 161891 | 84651 | 77240 |
List of Vilages in Pandabeswar Block and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Danya | 3854 | 808 |
Banbahal | 3540 | 685 |
Shyamsundarpur | 2801 | 637 |
Kumarkhala | 2419 | 532 |
Sonpur | 2358 | 520 |
Joalbhanga | 2070 | 471 |
Gobindapur | 1898 | 426 |
Bajari | 1583 | 362 |
Chak Jharia | 1497 | 314 |
Chak Karala | 1331 | 281 |
Deshlopa | 1178 | 266 |
Konda | 916 | 222 |
Bhaluka | 681 | 153 |
Bhatmura | 594 | 138 |
Hansdiha |