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Ondal Block Population
Ondal Block in Bardhaman District and West Bengal State Total population is 186915. Rural Population is 35611 and Urban population is 151304.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 35611 | 18956 | 16655 |
Urban | 151304 | 79193 | 72111 |
Total | 186915 | 98149 | 88766 |
List of Vilages in Ondal Block and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Madanpur | 4631 | 964 |
Bhadur | 4278 | 879 |
Shrirampur | 4235 | 954 |
Dhandadihi | 3800 | 868 |
Madhusudanpur | 3435 | 782 |
Dhubchururia | 3402 | 709 |
Mukundapur | 2913 | 631 |
Gaidhoba | 2471 | 614 |
Madhabpur | 2216 | 474 |
Babuisol | 1941 | 444 |
Chak Rambati | 1557 | 304 |
Tamla | 732 | 183 |
Tiarmana |