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Tirunelveli District Population
Tirunelveli District Total population is 3077233. Rural Population is 1557004 and Urban population is 1520229. Tirunelveli District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1557004 | 768728 | 788276 |
Urban | 1520229 | 752184 | 768045 |
Total | 3077233 | 1520912 | 1556321 |
List of sub districts in Tirunelveli District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sivagiri | 194156 | 54421 |
Sankarankoil | 350144 | 95446 |
Veerakeralamputhur | 123137 | 33403 |
Tenkasi | 399946 | 103380 |
Shenkottai | 141416 | 37855 |
Alangulam | 176138 | 47594 |
Tirunelveli | 642835 | 166202 |
Palayamkottai | 91176 | 23324 |
Ambasamudram | 428031 | 116698 |
Nanguneri | 225602 | 58730 |
Radhapuram | 304652 | 78475 |