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Supaul District Population
Supaul District Total population is 2229076. Rural Population is 2123518 and Urban population is 105558. Supaul District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2123518 | 1099495 | 1024023 |
Urban | 105558 | 55788 | 49770 |
Total | 2229076 | 1155283 | 1073793 |
List of sub districts in Supaul District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Nirmali | 98435 | 19871 |
Basantpur | 202007 | 40254 |
Chhatapur | 286456 | 57430 |
Pratapganj | 106884 | 21697 |
Raghopur | 215643 | 41516 |
Saraigarh Bhaptiyahi | 122772 | 22626 |
Kishanpur | 167669 | 34945 |
Marauna | 145136 | 29560 |
Supaul | 360198 | 72689 |
Pipra | 201399 | 39878 |
Tribeniganj | 322477 | 62607 |