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Sonitpur District Population
Sonitpur District Total population is 1924110. Rural Population is 1750265 and Urban population is 173845. Sonitpur District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1750265 | 894985 | 855280 |
Urban | 173845 | 88919 | 84926 |
Total | 1924110 | 983904 | 940206 |
List of sub districts in Sonitpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dhekiajuli (Pt) | 470018 | 93308 |
Chariduar | 343749 | 69674 |
Tezpur | 282032 | 61635 |
Na-Duar | 215820 | 44900 |
Biswanath | 346624 | 70998 |
Helem | 144037 | 29173 |
Gohpur | 121830 | 23231 |