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Sonipat District Population
Sonipat District Total population is 1450001. Rural Population is 996637 and Urban population is 453364. Sonipat District is in Haryana State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 996637 | 538750 | 457887 |
Urban | 453364 | 242549 | 210815 |
Total | 1450001 | 781299 | 668702 |
List of sub districts in Sonipat District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Gohana | 372034 | 69722 |
Ganaur | 206889 | 39138 |
Sonipat | 710183 | 138173 |
Kharkhoda | 160895 | 30693 |