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Sindhudurg District Population
Sindhudurg District Total population is 849651. Rural Population is 742645 and Urban population is 107006. Sindhudurg District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 742645 | 363268 | 379377 |
Urban | 107006 | 54064 | 52942 |
Total | 849651 | 417332 | 432319 |
List of sub districts in Sindhudurg District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Devgad | 120909 | 27800 |
Vaibhavvadi | 43845 | 11545 |
Kankavli | 135295 | 33930 |
Malwan | 111807 | 28924 |
Vengurla | 85801 | 21519 |
Kudal | 155624 | 38128 |
Sawantwadi | 147466 | 35958 |
Dodamarg | 48904 | 12035 |