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Sahebganj District Population
Sahebganj District Total population is 1150567. Rural Population is 990901 and Urban population is 159666. Sahebganj District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 990901 | 505892 | 485009 |
Urban | 159666 | 83499 | 76167 |
Total | 1150567 | 589391 | 561176 |
List of sub districts in Sahebganj District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sahibganj | 162120 | 30599 |
Mandro | 75659 | 15579 |
Borio | 97845 | 20623 |
Barhait | 130227 | 26919 |
Taljhari | 76330 | 16159 |
Rajmahal | 168413 | 31306 |
Udhwa | 177263 | 31815 |
Pathna | 81940 | 17124 |
Barharwa | 180770 | 36899 |