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Sagar District Population
Sagar District Total population is 2378458. Rural Population is 1669662 and Urban population is 708796. Sagar District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1669662 | 884133 | 785529 |
Urban | 708796 | 372124 | 336672 |
Total | 2378458 | 1256257 | 1122201 |
List of sub districts in Sagar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bina | 196680 | 42032 |
Khurai | 189199 | 40657 |
Malthon | 152631 | 34985 |
Banda | 202594 | 46788 |
Shahgarh | 138054 | 31106 |
Rahatgarh | 124099 | 26423 |
Sagar | 823015 | 168962 |
Garhakota | 118410 | 26481 |
Rehli | 139619 | 31310 |
Kesli | 116951 | 28218 |
Deori | 177206 | 40888 |