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Peren District Population
Peren District Total population is 95219. Rural Population is 81429 and Urban population is 13790. Peren District is in Nagaland State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 81429 | 42860 | 38569 |
Urban | 13790 | 6854 | 6936 |
Total | 95219 | 49714 | 45505 |
List of sub districts in Peren District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Pedi (Ngwalwa) | 10105 | 2153 |
Jalukie | 28391 | 5701 |
Athibung | 13950 | 2693 |
Kebai Khelma | 3012 | 692 |
Nsong | 5200 | 868 |
Tening | 25864 | 4521 |
Peren | 8697 | 1847 |