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Patiala District Population
Patiala District Total population is 1895686. Rural Population is 1132406 and Urban population is 763280. Patiala District is in Punjab State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1132406 | 598800 | 533606 |
Urban | 763280 | 403722 | 359558 |
Total | 1895686 | 1002522 | 893164 |
List of sub districts in Patiala District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Samana | 173970 | 34200 |
Patran | 193683 | 36526 |
Nabha | 277236 | 54224 |
Patiala | 859786 | 171644 |
Rajpura | 391011 | 75699 |