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Jamui District Population
Jamui District Total population is 1760405. Rural Population is 1615072 and Urban population is 145333. Jamui District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1615072 | 839776 | 775296 |
Urban | 145333 | 76288 | 69045 |
Total | 1760405 | 916064 | 844341 |
List of sub districts in Jamui District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Islamnagar Aliganj | 136768 | 22638 |
Sikandra | 148711 | 25454 |
Jamui | 232114 | 40317 |
Barhat | 92207 | 16669 |
Lakshmipur | 124149 | 22417 |
Jhajha | 267504 | 46764 |
Gidhaur | 77558 | 14150 |
Khaira | 235761 | 39993 |
Sono | 210445 | 36955 |
Chakai | 235188 | 41725 |