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Gadchiroli District Population
Gadchiroli District Total population is 1072942. Rural Population is 954909 and Urban population is 118033. Gadchiroli District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 954909 | 481290 | 473619 |
Urban | 118033 | 60038 | 57995 |
Total | 1072942 | 541328 | 531614 |
List of sub districts in Gadchiroli District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Desaiganj (Vadasa) | 83607 | 20167 |
Armori | 97097 | 23596 |
Kurkheda | 86073 | 20136 |
Korchi | 42811 | 9277 |
Dhanora | 82698 | 18348 |
Gadchiroli | 145963 | 36386 |
Chamorshi | 179120 | 43931 |
Mulchera | 45787 | 10072 |
Etapalli | 81713 | 15692 |
Bhamragad | 36325 | 7393 |
Aheri | 116992 | 26446 |
Sironcha | 74756 | 18991 |