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Erode District Population
Erode District Total population is 2251744. Rural Population is 1093768 and Urban population is 1157976. Erode District is in Tamil Nadu State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1093768 | 552393 | 541375 |
Urban | 1157976 | 577475 | 580501 |
Total | 2251744 | 1129868 | 1121876 |
List of sub districts in Erode District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sathyamangalam | 327441 | 93994 |
Bhavani | 459517 | 132152 |
Gobichettipalayam | 376351 | 115410 |
Perundurai | 266106 | 78922 |
Erode | 822329 | 237593 |