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Dohad District Population
Dohad District Total population is 2127086. Rural Population is 1935461 and Urban population is 191625. Dohad District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1935461 | 970963 | 964498 |
Urban | 191625 | 97688 | 93937 |
Total | 2127086 | 1068651 | 1058435 |
List of sub districts in Dohad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Fatepura | 238116 | 39714 |
Jhalod | 473273 | 76122 |
Limkheda | 306269 | 48869 |
Dohad | 480845 | 73802 |
Garbada | 198879 | 29325 |
Devgadbaria | 249335 | 40494 |
Dhanpur | 180369 | 25946 |