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Bilaspur District Population
Bilaspur District Total population is 2663629. Rural Population is 1983759 and Urban population is 679870. Bilaspur District is in Chattisgarh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1983759 | 1002520 | 981239 |
Urban | 679870 | 349054 | 330816 |
Total | 2663629 | 1351574 | 1312055 |
List of sub districts in Bilaspur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Pendra Road Gorella | 134135 | 34141 |
Marwahi | 116804 | 30970 |
Pendra | 85481 | 22618 |
Lormi | 274859 | 63978 |
Kota | 228358 | 54987 |
Mungeli | 249229 | 55751 |
Pathariya | 177619 | 37988 |
Takhatpur | 297724 | 62241 |
Bilaspur | 644928 | 137863 |
Masturi | 297726 | 66739 |
Bilha | 156766 | 33546 |