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Bhilwara District Population
Bhilwara District Total population is 2408523. Rural Population is 1895869 and Urban population is 512654. Bhilwara District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1895869 | 955378 | 940491 |
Urban | 512654 | 265358 | 247296 |
Total | 2408523 | 1220736 | 1187787 |
List of sub districts in Bhilwara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Asind | 254130 | 52901 |
Hurda | 138643 | 27366 |
Shahpura | 207020 | 41705 |
Banera | 123714 | 24970 |
Mandal | 235640 | 49211 |
Raipur | 97869 | 19936 |
Sahara | 135086 | 27855 |
Bhilwara | 557761 | 115152 |
Kotri | 174701 | 35908 |
Jahazpur | 217773 | 46557 |
Mandalgarh | 176703 | 37825 |
Beejoliya | 89483 | 18739 |