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Bhandara District Population
Bhandara District Total population is 1200334. Rural Population is 966503 and Urban population is 233831. Bhandara District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 966503 | 487484 | 479019 |
Urban | 233831 | 118036 | 115795 |
Total | 1200334 | 605520 | 594814 |
List of sub districts in Bhandara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tumsar | 226108 | 49962 |
Mohadi | 150611 | 34082 |
Bhandara | 280030 | 64274 |
Sakoli | 136879 | 32452 |
Lakhani | 128545 | 31115 |
Pauni | 154588 | 36875 |
Lakhandur | 123573 | 29316 |