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Bastar District Population
Bastar District Total population is 1413199. Rural Population is 1219705 and Urban population is 193494. Bastar District is in Chattisgarh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1219705 | 600652 | 619053 |
Urban | 193494 | 97835 | 95659 |
Total | 1413199 | 698487 | 714712 |
List of sub districts in Bastar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Keskal | 93003 | 19640 |
Bade Rajpur | 85560 | 18116 |
Kondagaon | 201795 | 42783 |
Makdi | 99714 | 20349 |
Farasgaon | 98752 | 20692 |
Jagdalpur | 239808 | 55378 |
Lohandiguda | 75842 | 17303 |
Bastanar | 48040 | 10259 |
Bastar | 163997 | 36432 |
Bakavand | 149823 | 34621 |
Tokapal | 77505 | 18206 |
Darbha | 79360 | 17759 |