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Anand District Population
Anand District Total population is 2092745. Rural Population is 1457758 and Urban population is 634987. Anand District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1457758 | 758499 | 699259 |
Urban | 634987 | 328725 | 306262 |
Total | 2092745 | 1087224 | 1005521 |
List of sub districts in Anand District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tarapur | 88522 | 16768 |
Sojitra | 106526 | 22021 |
Umreth | 188029 | 37295 |
Anand | 609307 | 126832 |
Petlad | 287924 | 60078 |
Khambhat | 285679 | 56867 |
Borsad | 379650 | 77616 |
Anklav | 147108 | 30128 |