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Amritsar District Population
Amritsar District Total population is 2490656. Rural Population is 1156045 and Urban population is 1334611. Amritsar District is in Punjab State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1156045 | 607266 | 548779 |
Urban | 1334611 | 711142 | 623469 |
Total | 2490656 | 1318408 | 1172248 |
List of sub districts in Amritsar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ajnala | 442711 | 81132 |
Amritsar -I | 312240 | 58952 |
Amritsar- II | 1415214 | 286786 |
Baba Bakala | 320491 | 62028 |