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Hospitals in Shirur Pabal Phata
Centre Hospital
Pabal Phata; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.3 KM distance
Anand Hospital and Prasutigruh
Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.4 KM distance
Sonovision Sonography Centre
Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 223 232
0.4 KM distance
Omkar Maternity And Surgical Nursing Home Revenue Colony Shirur
Near Court; Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
098814 44425
0.4 KM distance
Pallavi Skin Clinic
Bizsquare; Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
091461 07173
0.4 KM distance
Ratnaprabha Eye Care
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 222 953
0.4 KM distance
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 223 134
0.5 KM distance
Shantai Hospital
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 223 100
0.5 KM distance
Sansul Photo Lab
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.5 KM distance
vatsalya hospital
Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.5 KM distance
sanjeevan hospital
CT Bora College Rd; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 224 248
0.5 KM distance
vasaly Baby Care Hospital
Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.5 KM distance
Walunj Hospital
Revenue Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 222 332
0.5 KM distance
college road; GUjar; MlalaShirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 222 028
0.5 KM distance
Ravi Clinic Hospital
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
094040 02899
0.6 KM distance
Magar hospital and saisanjivani netralaya
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.6 KM distance
Moraya Orthopedic Hospitol
Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
02138 225 899
0.6 KM distance
Godase Hospital
Chhatrapati Colony; Shirur; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
098229 90436
0.6 KM distance
Bhondwe Maternity Home
Chattrapati Colony; Pabal Phata; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
0.6 KM distance
Dr. Bhondave Hospital & Maternity Home
Court Road; Chattrapati Colony; Shirur; Maharashtra 412210; India
098239 80044
0.6 KM distance