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Colleges in Vellore Aavai Nagar 2nd Street Aavai Nagar
Christian Medical College
Thorapadi P.O.; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 228 4201
0.7 KM distance
Dorothy Joske Hostel
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 228 4335
0.8 KM distance
Anuraas Photography
Kamaraj Nagar First Main Rd; Kamaraj Nagar; Ramset Nagar; Thorapadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
094422 27018
0.9 KM distance
Kshatriya Film Technology
No.1; 632001; Thorapadi Rd; Periya Allapuram; Rajiv Gandhi Nagar; Ramset Nagar; Thorapadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
094424 57515
1.1 KM distance
Christian Medical College
Virupatchipuram; RV Nagar; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.1 KM distance
Carmon Block
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.2 KM distance
Thanthai periyar E.V.Ramasamy Government Polytechnic
Kamalakshipuram Rd; Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 226 6266
1.2 KM distance
Department of Biostatistics
Thorapadi - Bagayam Rd; Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 228 4205
1.2 KM distance
Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 226 7762
1.3 KM distance
New Examination Hall
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.3 KM distance
Examination Center
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.3 KM distance
Anatomy Department
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.3 KM distance
College Canteen
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.4 KM distance
CMC Maintenance Department
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
1.4 KM distance
CHTC Library
CMC Campus; Ludhiana; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 228 4207
1.4 KM distance
RJM Travels
ariyur railway gate old police quarters Corporation building no. 6; Thorapadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
093808 19169
1.5 KM distance
Rehabilitation Institute
Vallarnagar; Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 228 4302
1.6 KM distance
Muthurangam Government Arts College
Otteri Rd; Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 226 2068
1.6 KM distance
Christian Medical College; Mental Health Centre
Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
0416 228 4485
1.6 KM distance
Srivari Maths Academy
; Bagayam; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632002; India
099428 16186
1.7 KM distance