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Colleges in Katpadi Phase 3 Street Goldan Nagar
Indian Institute Of Teacher Education
No 512A; Thiruvalam Road; Katpadi; Thiruvalam Road; Near VIT; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0416 430 3082
0.3 KM distance
Syedal Services
Chennai Salai; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
094417 08564
0.3 KM distance
Centre For Disaster Mitigation And Management
VIT University; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0.5 KM distance
VIT University; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0.6 KM distance
VIT University - Gate 3
Madras Salai; Madras Salai; VIT College; Katpadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
092437 77722
0.6 KM distance
Greenos Passsway; VIT University; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
095866 03141
0.7 KM distance
Animal House; VIT University
Mathai Rd; VIT University; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0.8 KM distance
Vellore Institute of Technology
Near Katpadi Road; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0416 330 5555
1.0 KM distance
VIT Vellore
VIT Main Rd; Old Katpadi; Andal Nagar; Katpadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632006; India
1.1 KM distance
VIT University
Vellore Campus; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0416 220 2157
1.2 KM distance
Chemistry Block
#15/38; 4th East Cross Rd; Suthanthira Ponvizha Nagar; Bharathi Nagar; Gandhi Nagar; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632006; India
1.3 KM distance
Auxilium College for Women
17th East Main Road; Suthanthira Ponvizha Nagar; Gandhi Nagar; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632006; India
0416 224 1774
1.4 KM distance
VIT Business School
VIT University ; Katpadi - Chennai Highway; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
0416 220 2708
1.4 KM distance
Auxilium College Autonomous
17th East Cross Road; Gandhi Nagar; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632006; India
0416 224 1774
1.5 KM distance
Auxilium College of Education
17th East Main Rd; Suthanthira Ponvizha Nagar; Gandhi Nagar; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632006; India
0416 224 1775
1.6 KM distance
V.I.T University Gate 5
Jimmy Carter Rd; Brahmapuram; Tamil Nadu 632014; India
2.0 KM distance
Diagonal CADD Katpadi
245-2;3rd Floor;Vellore-Chittor High Road;(Near MRF Tyres);Katpadi. Vellore; India 632007; Vellore - Chittoor Road; Katpadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632007; India
0416 224 6861
2.1 KM distance
ITI Vallava Institutional Engineering
39; Auxilium College Road; Auxilium College Road; Near Good Luck Medicals Shop; Gandhi Nagar; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632006; India
2.1 KM distance
144/C; AVM Complex; Tharapadaveda; Katpadi; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632007; India
099523 47302
2.1 KM distance
St. Mary's College of Education
No. 95; Annai Street; Vallimalai Raod; Mission Compound; Katpadi Post; Vellore; Tamil Nadu 632007; India
0416 291 5802
2.1 KM distance