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Colleges in Pune Sakal Nagar Road No 2 Sadhu Vasvani Nagar
Department of Biotechnology
Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 4952
0.6 KM distance
Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 0836
0.7 KM distance
Department of Computer Science
Vidyapeeth Rd; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411016; India
020 2569 6361
0.7 KM distance
Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 6348
0.9 KM distance
Vidyapeeth Rd; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411016; India
020 2569 0701
0.9 KM distance
Women's Studies Centre; Ambedkar Bhawan; University of Pune
Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2560 1300
1.0 KM distance
Department of Geography
Vidyapeeth Rd; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2560 1365
1.0 KM distance
Savitribai Phule Pune University Economics Department
Shivajinagar; Pune; Maharashtra 411004; India
020 2560 1132
1.0 KM distance
Department of Geoinformatics
University of Pune; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2560 1099
1.1 KM distance
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 6064
1.1 KM distance
Competitive Examinations Center
University Rd; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 4110016; India
020 2569 0342
1.1 KM distance
Geoinformatics Lab
CINS Building; Pune University Rd; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
1.2 KM distance
Centre For Information And Network Security
Pune University Rd; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411006; India
020 2560 1379
1.2 KM distance
Centre for Modeling and Simulation
University Road; Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 0842
1.3 KM distance
Modern College of Arts; Science & Commerce
Ganesh Khind Road; Opposite Univercity Gate-53; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411053; India
020 2563 4021
1.3 KM distance
Department of Management Sciences
Savitribai Phule Pune University; Ganeshkhind; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 3380
1.3 KM distance
Botany Dept University Of Pune
G'khind Road Aundh; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2560 1217
1.4 KM distance
Institute of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
Savitribai Phule University of Campus; Ganeshkhind Road; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2569 0442
1.4 KM distance
Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management
Savitribai Phule Pune University Road; Near Chatursingi Temple; Ganeshkhind Road; Pune; Maharashtra 411007; India
020 2553 7727
1.6 KM distance
Amity Global Business School
106/A; Ground Floor; Pride Silicon Plaza; Senapati Bapat Road; Near Chatushringi Temple; Pune; Maharashtra 411016; India
020 4100 4772
1.7 KM distance