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Colleges in North East Delhi Government Colony Sector 23
Kamkus College of Law
B Block; Sector 23; Sanjay Nagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201002; India
0120 278 5692
0.2 KM distance
Northern India Textile Research Association
Block M; NITRA; Sector 23; Sanjay Nagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201002; India
0120 280 7390
0.7 KM distance
Meerut Road Industrial Area; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201003; India
0120 278 4243
0.8 KM distance
NITRA Technical Campus
Block M; NITRA; Sector 23; Sanjay Nagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201002; India
0120 278 3334
1.0 KM distance
214; Raj Nagar Extension; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201017; India
1.0 KM distance
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy
Sector 19; Kamla Nehru Nagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201001; India
0120 278 9061
1.2 KM distance
MBA and MCA Block
Raj Nagar Extension; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201017; India
1.2 KM distance
Raj Kumar Goel Institute Of Technology
5 Km Stone; Delhi-Meerut Road; Opp. Jain Tube Co. Ltd.; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201001; India
0120 278 8273
1.3 KM distance
5 Km Stone; (Opp. Jain Tube Co. Ltd.); Delhi-Meerut Road; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201001; India
0120 278 8274
1.3 KM distance
IT Department
5 NO ROAD CHOUDHARY MARKET; NEAR; Raj Nagar Extension; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201001; India
0120 278 8273
1.3 KM distance
G block
Raj Nagar Extension; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201017; India
1.3 KM distance
Raj Kumar Goel Institute Of Technology; Pharmacy
5KM STONE; Delhi - Meerut Rd; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201003; India
1.3 KM distance
Lala Mangat Ram Mahavidyalaya
5th km stone; Delhi-Meerut Road; Vill-Dargal. Pargana-Jalalabad Near RKGIT; NH 58; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201003; India
0120 651 7164
1.6 KM distance
The Success Classes
Block 10; Sector 10; Raj Nagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201002; India
098102 58589
1.7 KM distance
D.S. Institute of Technology & Management
opposite ITC; DELHI MERRUT ROAD; NH 58; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201017; India
0120 278 8284
1.8 KM distance
Ram Chameli Chadha Vishvas Girls College
Meerut Rd to Raj Nagar Entry Rd; Meerut Road Industrial Area; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201003; India
0120 275 3804
1.8 KM distance
Sikrod; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201017; India
1.8 KM distance
BUnique Overseas Education
13; Shopper square mall; 14/8 Rajnagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201002; India
098717 91255
2.0 KM distance
College Of Education
R-14/28; Rajnagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201001; India
0120 282 4629
2.2 KM distance
Hare Krishna Marg; Rajkunj; Raj Kunj; Raj Nagar; Ghaziabad; Uttar Pradesh 201002; India
098113 67690
2.3 KM distance